The third NEARImeet (Network for Educational Action Research in Ireland) took place in St. Patrick’s College, Thurles on 12 Sept 2015.
Guest speakers were Dr. Pip Ferguson (DCU) and Dr Máire Ni Ríordáin (NUIG) with Round Robin presentations by John Cullinane and Tom Cosgrove.
Pip Ferguson, John Cullinane, Máire Ní Ríordáin and Tom Cosgrove
Dr Pip Bruce Ferguson spoke around the topic: ‘How to strengthen the rigour of action research: reflections ‘from the field’. Pip spoke about the need to judge our research with appropriate criteria. She outlined the LET approach – Whitehead’s living educational theory (1989) – which emphasises values and accountability and spoke about the need to leave a ‘snail trail’ – a clear path or track through the research that can be followed by the reader.
John Cullinane spoke about his experiences using self-study action research in St Patrick’s College as an undergraduate and how this experience has now transformed his practice as a qualified teacher. John researched his own practice around issues of equity. His research has led to the promotion of inclusive practices in his institution.
Tom Cosgrove presented a fascinating account of his efforts to promote active learning methodologies in relation to the teaching of engineering in a Chinese context. This was a richly illustrated account of teaching and learning in a difficult linguistic and cultural setting. Tom’s presentation showed how, like John he was living his educational values in his practice.
Dr Máire Ni Ríordáin spoke on the topic of ‘Making sense of your data’. Máire emphasised trustworthiness and the need for multiple perspectives and asked the question ‘How can a reader trust my account? Criteria used included: Evidence of Becoming/Improving Self-Reflexivity Multiple Perspectives , Connection , Meaningful Action Acknowledgement of Limitations Ethical and Professional use of Data.
There followed a Skype conversation with Jack Whitehead (UK) and Delysia Norelle Timm (SA) on the value of networking and sharing ideas.
Mary Roche, Caitirona McDonagh, Pip Ferguson, Máirín Glenn, Bernie Sullivan and Jane O’Conell via Skype from Jack Whitehead and Delysia Norelle Timm.
Sounds like a great day. When is the next one? ☺
It was a great day. I think January 16th next is the date for the next NEARImeet. We’ll remind you again closer to the time!