Educational Action Research in Ireland

This Educational Action Research in Ireland space has been designed to showcase, interrogate and explore self-study approaches to action research and living theory in Ireland and beyond.

We would like to highlight the ever-increasing interest that now exists in practitioner based research, action research and living theory. We want to explore the appropriateness of self-study approaches to action research for practitioners.

Our network for action researchers is called Network for Educational Action Research in Ireland or NEARI. Learn more about NEARI here.

Our newest book is the second edition of:

Our  other books are:

Learning Communities in Educational Partnerships: Action Research as Transformation (2017) and is available from Bloomsbury .

 Introduction to Critical Reflection and Action for Teacher Researchers  (2016)and is available from Routledge .

Enhancing Practice through Professional Development: A teachers’ guide to classroom research (2012) (first edition) is also available from Routledge.

To proceed unthinkingly is to be caught in the flux of things, to be ‘caught up’ in dailyness, in the sequences of tasks and routines. Of course we have to proceed that way a good deal of the time, but there should be moments when we deliberately try to draw meaning out of particular incidents and experiences. This requires a pause…

(Greene, 1984:55)

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