NEARIMeet 29 January 2022

The sparkling Winter 2022 NEARIMeet took place online on 29 January 2022. The meeting was chaired by Cornelia Connolly and Máirín Glenn and there were attendees from Australia, USA, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Malaysia, The Netherlands, South Africa, the UK and Ireland, among many others. The theme for the meeting was Transforming Practices.

The meeting began with a reminder of the ethical expectations around the NEARIMeet.

Prof. Stephen Kemmis ignited the meeting with his presentation entitled ‘Transforming Practices’ and his inspirational ideas permeated discussions and interactions throughout the whole morning.

Stephen Kemmis: Transforming Practices (Part 1)

Stephen Kemmis: Transforming Practices (Part 2)

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Conversation arising from Stephen Kemmis’ presentation at NEARIMeet

Ciara O’Brien continued to inspire attendees with her honest account of the challenges she encountered in her research into her practice and the solutions that emerged as she spoke about ‘Finding the way with Critical Reflection’

Ciara’s presentation resonated with many participants who subsequently engaged in lively conversation.

Richard Millwood continued to expand on the theme of transformation with his thought-provoking presentation ‘Degrees, Diversity and Democratisation’.

Comments and conversation arising from Richard’s presentation:

Richard has made his slides available here and he invites comments from all who are interested.

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Bernie Sullivan provided us with an update from the Values-based Practitioner Action Research Special Interest Group (VPAR-SIG) initiative with the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI).

Jane O’Connell gave a report on ongoing activities at the Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN).

Marie Huxtable reported on activities in the Educational Journal of Living Theories (EJOLTs) and invited attendees to submit papers to the journal.


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