NEARI ethical statement

NEARI Ethical Statement

This statement sets out the standards for the good conduct of members of NEARI.

Collegiality, support, critical engagement, mutual trust and respect are the cornerstones for the conduct of NEARI.

NEARI is grounded in values such as social justice, fairness, inclusion, democracy and collaboration. These umbrella values incorporate the core educational values of the Irish Teaching Council i.e. care, respect, integrity and trust.

Our standards are embedded in these ethical values, therefore NEARI participants are expected to commit to:

  • engaging in a respectful manner with one another, and in all references to NEARIMeets and discussion,
  • abiding by all child protection guidelines
  • protecting the identity of people/institutions, mentioned in dialogue at NEARIMeets or online  (if these people and institutions so desire) 
  • ensuring a safe environment where people feel free to express their thoughts and ideas in an open manner
  • seeking permission and giving due acknowledgment to participants whose comments may be used in both academic and non-academic writing
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