This was the second NEARIMeet and VPAR SIG (Values-based Practitioner Action Research) meeting to take place online.
Everyone was delighted to welcome Dr. Mary McAteer, as part of our VPAR SIG activities, to present her keynote address at our meeting.
Mary’s inspirational address was entitled The Values-based Researcher: a state of (constantly) becoming and it sparked much critical thinking and animated discussion:
As always, our Round Robin presenters were outstanding. They were Aoife Merrins-Gallagher who shared her learning from her exciting action research project on Supporting English Learners’ Contributions to Storytime Discussion; Denise Delaney who presented to the group on her inspiring work on The Challenge of Spiritual Leadership: Supporting the Spiritual Development of NQTs through the Delivery of a NQT Programme and Jane O’Connell who spoke to the group about her phenomenal doctoral work on Is Tusa an Múinteoir.
Jane also outlined the activities taking place for our colleagues in CARN (Collaborative Action Research Network) and reminded everyone of the CARN Virtual Conference taking place on 24/5 October 2020.
The NEARIMeet concluded with a VPAR SIG update from Caitriona McDonagh: