NEARIMeet is coming to MIE

Would you like to join us for the next meeting of the Network for Educational Action Research in Ireland (NEARI)?

The NEARI-meet will take place on 26 January 2019. On this occasion the meeting will be hosted by Marino Institute of Education in Dublin, to whom we are very thankful.

The network is for everyone interested in any aspect of action research/reflective practice. We are an independent, non-profit organisation and our members are a cross-sectoral group.

Our theme for this meeting is: Voice in Action Research.

Please feel free to share this message with anyone you know who may be interested in any aspect of action research, reflective practice, critical reflection and/or enhancing practice. If you would like to attend our NEARI event, please email Máirín Glenn at by 5pm on January 19th to reserve a seat.

We usually invite anyone who wishes to do a Round-Robin presentation by giving a short talk or presentation (about 10 mins) followed by discussion and critical engagement. This could be about your action research or you may wish to share a reading from the literature that inspired you. You can see some previous Round Robin presentations at our NEARI page. Our Round-Robin slots for this upcoming NEARI-meet are nearly full. However, if you would like to book a ‘stand-by’ slot for this meeting or book a place for our next NEARI-meet in January, please e-mail Máirín Glenn at, so we can tweak our schedules accordingly.

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