The next NEARI-meet will take place in the University of LImerick on January 20th. If you would like to attend, or to join the network, please contact us at
Our draft schedule for the day is:
10.15 Meet and greet with tea/coffee
10.30 Group introduction
10.45 Navigating Supervision across Multiple Perspectives: a discussion led by Dr. Patricia Mannix McNamara.
11.45 Round Robin: Sharing our Research Stories. Short presentations followed by open discussion
12.45 Tea /coffee and scones
13.15 Round Robin (Part 2)
13.45 Planning
14.00. Input from Jane O’Connell on CARN 2017 and plans for 2018
14.10 Sharing expertise – SKYPE, Padlet, NEARI Group Mail, Twitter, Upcoming events, etc.
14.25 Conclusion and thanks