What a great day of learning we had at DkIT on January 21st! Our host, Cornelia Connolly from DkIT, got the day off to a great start and introduced Dr. Pip Bruce Ferguson. Pip’s inspiring keynote drew on the writing of Parker J. Palmer, Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead and outlined how teachers might investigate their practice through engaging in reflective practice and undertaking some action research. This was followed by some thought-provoking ‘Round Robin’ presentations by Teresa Whitaker, Josephine Bleach, Tom Cosgrove and Colin Cooney all of which inspired some challenging questions and critical debate. Snippets from their presentations are available below. The day concluded with discussions around the NEARI mailing list, the Padlet, our next NEARI-meet and our how NEARI might move forward as a network.
All at NEARI would like to extend míle buíochas to Cornelia Connolly and all at DkIT for the warmth of their welcome to our first NEARI-meet of 2017.
The next NEARI-meet will take place in April 2017.
Pip’s keynote presentation:
Below is a section from the beginning of Pip’s presentation:
Here is the second section of Pip’s presentation:
Here is the closing section of Pip’s presentation:
Round Robin Presentation from Teresa Whitaker:
Round Robin Presentation from Josephine Bleach:
Round Robin Presentation from Colin Cooney:
Round Robin Presentation from Tom Cosgrove: