Who we are

We are four teachers in Ireland, who have undertaken research into our practice. We believe, like Russell (1932) and Dewey (1966),in the importance of education as a lifelong process that has the capacity to confer on participants liberatory and life-enhancing experiences.

We believe that the articulation of our living theories (Whitehead, 1989) that have emerged from our action research invetigations into our workplace practices can have implications for other practitioners who choose to engage in self study.

Our doctoral theses are the narrative accounts of our research programmes that has enabled us to make our original claims to knowledge. We explain our self-study action research methodology as a living transformational process. Our findings about our pupils’ and our own learning offer new conceptualisations about the capacity of pupils to learn in their own ways

We articulate how our ontological values are transformed through their emergence into the living standards of judgment by which we evaluate the educational influence in learning of our developing practice.

We can be contacted at info@eari.ie

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4 comments on “Who we are
  1. During the documentation of my professional portfolio, based on a short placement observing lecturing practice and student support facilities at a third-level educational establishment, I found myself in unfamiliar territory. It was my first attempt at capturing evidence of my reflections for an academic project. At the outset of the writing process, I struggled to identify my values – the values I hold both personally and professionally.

    Having consulted your book “Enhancing Practice through Classroom Research” particularly chapters 1 and 2 by Dr. Mary Roche, I was enlightened! Not only did I learn how to identify my values, but I was impressed by the honesty conveyed through Mary’s writing. It struck a chord with me, especially as I reflected on the evolution of my own career as an educator. I related to Mary’s sentiment: “Education is never neutral or value-free – we all have ideas about education and its purposes, although we may not ever have articulated these ideas, even to ourselves.” (p.12)

    To assist in the identification of my values, I completed the Reflective Activities interspersed throughout chapters 1 and 2. For me this proved a highly useful and effective learning process; it helped me to reflect on what I do in the classroom, how I engage my students, the significance of student voice, and how my students learn and engage with the subject. The process also helped me to confirm that continued professional development is central to my values, because I cannot settle for the status quo if my students are having difficulty with the subject.

    The combination of reading your book and completing the practical activities equipped me with the tools I needed to begin the process of documenting a meaningful reflective portfolio, an activity that has been instrumental in the evolution and development of my understanding, my knowledge, and my sense of professionalism.

    Thank you.

  2. Thank you Maria. Its wonderful to realise that we have had an educative influence in someone’s learning. Best wishes with your further studies!

  3. Hello all! Greetings from America (sigh). I’m completing my action research PhD, studying voice in a Fortune 100 company. I deeply believe that action research can have a profound effect in making sustained, positive changes in the corporate environment. I’ve come to know of you through Jack Whitehead. I just wanted to check in to let you know that, although my AR research is not in education we are all teaching/learning as professionals. As a newbie, I appreciate this wonderful resource.
    Colleen (yes, first generation- father Galway, mother, Moneghan!)

  4. Hi Colleen. It’s lovely to ‘meet you’. Thank you for getting in touch. Your PhD topic sounds intriguing. And, yes, education takes place in different ways in our different spheres. We too believe that action research can lead to transformation in all kinds of personal professional and institutional ways. And goodness knows our world is in dire need of some healing right now. Do, please stay in touch and perhaps consider joining NEARI (email info@eari.ie)
    Kind regards
    Mary Roche

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