In this section, we publish blog articles from NEARI members. Please feel free to add to the discussions here by adding a comment.
Bernie Sullivan (2013) Influence of Liberation Theology on Critical Pedagogy
Bernie Sullivan (2013) Racism and Prejudice in Modern Ireland
Caitriona McDonagh (2013) Recent Irish Research (May 2013) supports our stance on teachers accessing research
Máirín Glenn (2014) Action research: an intervention or a potentially transformative process?
Bernie Sullivan (2014) The Demise of the Celtic Tiger – Catastrophe or Blessing in Disguise?
Mary Roche (2014): A personal response to news of Maxine Greene’s death
Pip Bruce Ferguson (2015) Why have an Action Research network? Thoughts from New Zealand
Máirín Glenn (2015) Hegemony in the library
Aoife Prendergast (2016): The Pride or Selfishness of Action Research? – A Reflection
Pip Bruce Ferguson (2020): A joy and delight from a distant viewer
Colette Saunders (2021) Reflections on Influence
Tom Cosgrove (2023) PhD Blog on PhD Experience